Wednesday, March 21, 2007

March 20, 2007

"I will not forget you...I have held you in the palm of my hand." Isaiah 49:15

It was confirmed today that Kyle does have Pneumonia. I was relieved to hear however, that Pneumonia in babies is not as serious as it is to the elderly and children. I was told that Pneumonia is basically a generic term for an infection in the lungs, which is what Kyle has. His doctor said this almost always is a different strain of Pneumonia than the one that adults get. In addition, because Kyle is monitored so closely, his infection was caught very early and antibiotics began immediately.

Kyle's chest tube was removed today, and therefore he was able to resume his feedings. Because preemies stomachs are so sensitive, the doctors follow the same protocol as the first time his feedings started. Kyle was given 2 cc's of milk every three hours today. This amount will be increased by 1-2 cc's every 12 hours as along as he continues to tolerate his feedings well. His weight today is 725 grams which translates to 1 lb. 9 oz. Kyle also received a blood transfusion today, again using Daddy's donor blood.

Today Kyle is one month old...and what a month it has been! Kyle has endured heart surgery, being on a ventilator for 28 days, jaundice, pneumonia, 5 blood transfusions, insulin shots due to high blood sugar, over 60 heal sticks, a PICC line, chest tube, numerous I.V's, Apnea spells and has been diagnosed with Bronchopulmonary dysplasia/chronic lung disease. Poor guy has been through quite a bit in his short life. We have faith that next month will be a better one! Faith does not refuse to face reality but looks beyond all difficulty to God and His promises.

As Kyle is another week older (praise God!), I am posting pictures of him next to the straw to give you some idea of his growth. The top two pictures were taken today while the bottom picture was taken when Kyle was three days old. I may be partial, but it seems to me he is getting a little meat on his bones...if such a thing is possible with someone that weighs less than two pounds!

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and encouragement over the past month. God has been gracious to give us strength and comfort throughout this experience.

Much Love,
Jennifer, Joe, Madison and Kyle


Anonymous said...

Happy one month birthday, Kyle!
1 pound, 9 ounces is great news! You have been through a lot in your first month, but you have won the hearts of so many as we have watched your daily struggles and progress. You are very blessed with the love of God, family, and friends. Even people who do not know you or your parents personally, have become invested in praying for you and keeping up with your daily progress. What a wonderful thing it is to be part of the family of Christ! We pray that you will serve Him all of your life.
We love you,
Aunt Karen

Anonymous said...

Praise God that Kyle is on the road to recovery and gaining strength. God, the doctors and Mommy are taking good care of Little Kyle. We can't wait until Jennifer and Kyle return home to us in Ohio.


Anonymous said...

Yes, one month seems like quite an accomplishment. And, though it has been a tremendously challenging one
it must be a significant milestone medically. The weight gain, too, seems important. Chances are good he will begin to grow now that the chest tube is removed and the ductus is closed. I'll bet, even in his own sweet, young mind, having milk provides comfort to Kyle. And, I, too, think his thighs look BIGGER! May this be a day of rejoicing and peace and progress for you both. Laura Austin

Anonymous said...

Dear Jenny & Kyle
So glad to hear the news on Kyle, couldn't hardly wait to get your letter this morning. Glad to hear he is back on his feedings and think he will start gaining weight now. Like you said the poor guy has really went thru so much and time to lay back and relax and start growing now.1 pound, 9 oz. is better and shows he is starting to put some fat on those bones.He sounds like a real fighter and think he will start doing lots better now, thats what were all praying for anyway. We know he is in the hands of Jesus and thats the most important thing for him and also all of us. I couldn't live with out the Lord in my life, He is with us every minute of the day.

Thanks again for the great news letter and give Kyle a kiss for us and tell him HAPPY BIRTHDAY.We Love you all.

Love & Prayers,Aunt Sandra, Aunt Ruth & Aunt Jean

Anonymous said...

Happy one month birthday, Kyle!
I am so thankful to write those words. God has blessed you and held you gently in His hands this month. You have been through so much but, with Gods help have endured. I pray now you will rest, heal and grow stronger every day. You, Mommy, Daddy and Madison are in my thoughts and prayers throughout every day.
Love and prayers,
Grandma Dottie