Tuesday, April 3, 2007

April 2, 2007

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" II Timothy 1:7

I am pleased to report that we received the official news that Kyle does not have meningitis. Praise the Lord! His oxygen continues to be so-so...he is on 50% oxygen right now (the goal is 21%). The nurse said that his high oxygen level is probably due to the fact that he is still fighting the lung infection and that his hematocrit test was low today. The hematocrit (HCT) is the fraction of blood volume consisting of red blood cells. For example: a hematocrit of 40 means that red blood cells account for 40 percent of the total blood volume. Typically, when Kyle reaches 35 or lower, they give him a blood transfusion. Kyle's was 33 today, which means he will probably receive a transfusion in the next day or so.

Madison flew home today. While it is always hard when she leaves, this time was not as bad since we were able to enjoy a nice long visit (12 days!) and she will be returning with Joe on Thursday night. Madison did great with Kyle and read to him everyday during her trip to Orlando. Although she doesn't like to admit it, she is going to be an awesome big sister someday.
With Madison gone, I was able to resume Kangarooing with Kyle. This afternoon we enjoyed 4 hours of cuddle time! When the nurse placed Kyle on my chest, he was wide awake. He snuggled in and looked right up at me. My heart melted! When Kyle is in the isolette, I often wonder if he can really see me. Besides that his view is obstructed by tubes, tape and glass, his sight is not fully developed. Today, there was no doubt in my mind that he could see me, and even better, he was actually looking for me!

Thank you so much to all who have posted messages and sent e-mails and spent even a few moments wishing us and our little guy well. Your long-distance hugs are very much appreciated!

God Bless You,
Jennifer, Joe, Madison and Kyle


Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer.
Your hours of awake time are almost as bad as mine! Had to stay awake to watch Ohio State lose to Florida again! How sad! It sounds as if you had a wonderful time with Madison. How nice! And you will be seeing her and Joe soon! Sounds as if Kyle is holding his own now and just trying to rest and grow. I am so glad the cultures were negative again. Enjoy your special mothering time with him. You are doing a great job!
Love, Aunt Kathie

Joe Sr. said...

Dear Jennifer, Joe, Madison, and Kyle:

We continue to read this blog every day. Actually, several times a day. So glad to hear Kyle continues to fight his infection and the cultures are negative. Now that this precious child is steadily gaining weight, and has the comfort of having his Mom hold him, I know he will continue to get stronger with each passing day.

It was wonderful that you had such and extended time with Madison, and that all of you will be together soon.

All of you are in our daily thoughts and prayers.

All our love,

Joe, Angela, Katie, Grandpa, and Grandma